Sunday, January 17, 2010


Did I mention that my fiancée has some really hot friends? She knows I have the hots for some of them, and have even joked of expanding our sexlife into threesomes. She says I can fuck her girlfriends, if they'd let me, and if I let her fuck some of MY friends. She's already pointed out one or two she'd go for if she was single. And, I know it's a double-standard, but imagining one of them fucking her really grosses me out. So, if I can get over it, assuming she's not kidding, and let her fuck my friends, I'll just have to fantasize over her friends. Including this one.

I want to fuck Kourtney X today.

1 comment:

  1. She's hot! :D

    I almost had a threesome with my ex-boyfriend and one of my friends, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be... :(
