Well folks, I'm sorry to say that this is it. I'm taking another break from this blog, and this time it just may be permanent. There's a ton of shit going on here, professionally and personally, so I decided to take a long break from my daily posting of my lusts. Plus, it's actually getting a little dull doing it everyday, believe it or not. But don't think I'm no longer going to want to fuck a hot girl or two everyday. That will never end!
I'll still check back in now and then to check out your comments, and maybe I'll post someone now and then as well, just for old times sake. And, if anyone is actually interested, I've kept a tally of everyone I've listed on whoIwanttofucktoday. The list is below the fold.
So, as I get ready to dive into my future, just like Ms. Hershlag here, I want to say the following for the 20th time.
I want to fuck Natalie Portman again today.