Any reader of this blog knows how obsessed I am with 13-year old Bella Thorne. Well, today is the 19th bday of her older, and also very hot, sister Kaili. (She's the one on the right.) Several weeks ago, Jan 19, was also the 18th bday of her until-recently-still-jailbait older sister Dani, which I missed during my hiatus. The thing is, I can't look at Kaili without thinking of Bella. So today's wish is the same as my first bday wish last year, (if you happen to have read it) and pretend Bella is 18 too.
I want to fuck Kaili Thorne, then I want to fuck Dani Thorne, then I want to fuck Bella Thorne, then I want to fuck Kaili, Dani, and Bella Thorne together, and then I want them to fuck each other with me today.