Was in fucking Walmart again on Saturday, and I swear I saw the same little slut I saw back on June 6. This is what I said then: "Was stuck in fucking Walmart yesterday, and saw this ridiculously sexy young Chinese girl with her family. (I know Chinese when I hear it.) I say "ridiculously" because she was no more than 13 years old. Very skinny, very little, wearing almost nothing. Tight, tight sleeveless top, and very mini-mini-skirt. Cute budding breasts, long dark hair, and round tight ass. Every head in the place turned toward her jailbait body." Only this time she was wearing an insanely small pair of DaisyDukes, and an even smaller tank top. Take me to jail, cuz I want her! Went home to fap to some online asians and found this hottie, who might look like my girl when she's a little older. I'll take her too.
I want to fuck Annie Yi today.