Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday's Asian

This one needs no explanation. A 21 year old Japanese actress and model too good to be true.

I want to fuck Sasaki Nozomi today.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost Incest


My fiancée went to Florida with some of her family for the holidays for a few days. (I wasn't invited.) Yesterday, I was playing with her digital, and saw some pretty hot beach pix. This is her cousin. (So no last name here again.) A 20 year old who's a junior at Notre Dame. And even though she's a soon-to-be in-law, I'll say the following, with the strong hope that my fiancée will never see this blog.

I want to fuck Rachel X today.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Juicy Jewess

I think Israeli girls are the most sexually aggressive girls in the world. Maybe it comes from living in a warzone their whole lives, or something. But the few I've met over the years will fuck you as soon as they decide they want to. There's no playing games with them. And so many of them are so freakin hot. What a great combo. I discovered this one only recently, a 23 year old actress/model from Israel. Really nice.

I want to fuck Agam Rodberg today.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Fresh Princess

I remember when this hot thing was serious JB. Really hard to ignore, and then no reason to when she turned 18. Now she's actually 30 years old, and still hot as ever.

I want to fuck Tatyana Ali today.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Brunch

Time for another pornstar. (And yes, she's above 18.)

I want to fuck Pamela Spice today.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Portman Replay

You all might think I'm starting to run out of ideas, but that's simply not the case. I just happened to get turned on by this girl again today, and I'm not going to fight it.

I want to fuck Natalie Portman again today.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Friday's Blonde

Mmmmm. I want this on my gift list today, another hot young 18-year-old from another pornsite.

I want to fuck Aria today.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mila the Third

I FUCKING LOVE THIS GIRL AND I CAN'T HELP IT!!! (And I thought Portman would be appearing here alot.)

I want to fuck Mila Kunis again today.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Slippery One

My fascination with sexy women athletes continues. This hot thing is a 20 year old diver on the Great Britain (UK) diving team.

I want to fuck Tonia Couch today

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oldie but Hottie

After drooling over Jamie Lynn last Thursday, I couldn't help but remember that there are thousands of pix of someone who used to be so fucking hot that I wanted her every day of the week. And after looking at old pix of Brooke yesterday, I quickly realized that as long as I was dwelling in the past, I could get a little more recent.

I want to fuck Britney Spears when she was 18 today.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I'm of the age that I can remember when this woman was really friggin hot. First as a heart-stoppingly illegally hot adolescent, then a really sexy teen and twenty-something. Now, I can't get turned on by her at all, but she was really able to get me going years ago.

I want to fuck Brooke Shields when she was 18 today.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday's Asian

I've seen this asian pornstar on many sites many times, and I think she keeps getting better. The site says she's 18, but I've been seeing her for a few years, so I'm assuming she's a little more than that.

I want to fuck Kamilla today.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

X-ellent X-girl

I love this girl, even though I haven’t seen her in much of anything since X-Men. I don’t have cable, so I haven't seen her in that vampire show, but have seen some incredible hot pics from the show. And many fake-nudes I’ve seen online are awesome too. I fell in love with her in X-Men, even though I've been aware of her since The Piano. Once she was much older than nine, I watched her growing up in several movies, and fell in love with her easily. And that cute tooth-gap doesn’t hurt, even at 27 years old.

I want to fuck Anna Paquin today.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hispanic Hottie

Today's selection is a little obsure. This is a still from a porn video, where this hot young thing here walks on screen, dances and strips completely. Pretty freaking common online stuff. The thing is, she looks exactly like a girl I know, an underage daughter of my mother's friend. Fucking EXACTLY. She's pretty hot to begin with, even at her age, but this is driving me fucking nuts. So in order to avoid any pedophile accusations, I'll be content saying the following, since this stripper is obviously over 18.

I want to fuck this girl today.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Very Young MILF

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday's Asian

I've had a thing for asian girls since my chinese girlfriend in seventh grade. Yesterday I ran into a giggling bunch of them in the supermarket, and enjoyed the eye candy for a few minutes. This hot thing, a Korean model, is just my type. She's 31 if you can believe it.

I want to fuck Jin-hee Park today.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday's Blonde

Just found this hot young thing on another webporn site. 18 years old, it says. Great.

I want to fuck Kasia today.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Luscious Lima

Cleaning out the house yesterday, I found a bunch of old circulars, including a delicious one from Victoria's Secret. I've been hooked on this girl for many years, though I can't stand to listen to her at all when she speaks. Is that sexist? Anyway, I'll take this hot 28-year old Brazilian.

I want to fuck Adriana Lima today.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brown Sugar

For some reason, I've been seeing this hot thing all over the internet today. I have no idea who she is, some sorta model. But since she's clearly not bait, I'll take her.

I want to fuck this hot black woman today.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kute Keira

This girl is another one I can completely forget about, or not even look at her if I happen to see her. But sometimes just a little glance can really get to me. Like tonight, after seeing her in a commercial.

I want to fuck Keira Knightley today.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Disney Dish

My interest in this girl really comes and goes. Actually, most days I don't even look twice at her. But this morning, I saw some stuff on her in a rag magazine, and she looked really, really good.

I want to fuck Anne Hathaway today.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday's Blonde

I was just doing some pornsite browsing, and fell for this one. The site says she's 20, so it's OK.

I want to fuck Sandy today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Flipped for Her

I guess I have a thing for girl athletes, especially amateur ones who I have a slim chance of meeting. I have here a pro figure skater, two pro tennis players, and an amateur track star. I'm sure I'll soon add some swimmers and divers. For now, I'll add on a gymnast, a really cute one. This one is still amateur, a sophomore from the University of Minnesota.

I want to fuck Kristin Furukawa today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I used to get so turned on by this girl years ago, then I totally forgot about her. Until this morning that is, when I stumbled on some of her hotter pix online today. She still looks incredibly awesome at 28 years old.

I want to fuck Anna Kournikova today.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Freshman Fox

Man, sometimes I hate being engaged. One of my buddies hit the college bars this weekend, and hooked up with this girl. (Again, no last name here.) She sent him a few self-pics this morning, (and he sent them to me to brag) including this one. What a hot, little slut. 18 year old freshman, probably screwing every guy she can get her hands on.

I want to fuck Callie X today.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hot Rerun

What can I say? I saw this chick on some entertainment blog online today, and got hot for her again.

I want to fuck Mila Kunis again today.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Penny's Perfect

We're not leaving the house at all today due to the lousy weather. During my boredom, I went through the circulars in the paper, when I saw this girl. I've seen her in these things for a few years, and I always think she's pretty hot. This is from a recent JCPenny ad.

I want to fuck this girl today.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hot and Spicy

I've been surrounded by Indian girls all day, hot, dark, sexy, young Indian girls, and I can't do a damn thing about it. Where they hell are they all coming from? And they've been so freakin hot! It got me thinking of some of the Indian actresses/models I've been hot for over the years. This one is a 22 year old actress who goes by the stage name Illiyana. I'd love to have this one, or any of the ones I saw this morning.

I want to fuck Ileana D'Cruz today.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Adorable Amidala

I just saw this girl's face on the cover of USA Today, and that was that. I've wanted this girl for so fucking long, at least since 1995. You'll probably see her here repeatedly in the months ahead. And, I'm not allowed to have her on my Allowable Ten List, because of all the celebrities I want to fuck, I've actually met this one. It was several years ago when she was in college at Harvard. My fiancée doesn't want to take any chances. I ask "what good is the list if I can't fuck her when I meet her?" But, still no go. I can still dream though. (As if she'd have me, anyway!)

I want to fuck Natalie Portman today.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Neighborhood Snack

This girl lives on my block (so no last name here). She's not bait, a 3rd or 4th year college girl, around 20 or 21. Really easy on the eyes. I got this pic of her a few weeks ago when I was taking random shots of the neighborhood. Yum.

I want to fuck Annie X today.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Still Dyno-mite!

I caught this girl in a rerun of “That 70’s Show” last night. Still unbelievably hot at 26 years old. Loved her back when she was bait, too. I can still get off on the reruns. This girl is completely my type, deep, dark eyes, black hair, thin and petite. Yum. And she's one of the celebrities I can fuck, if I ever get the chance, approved by my fiancée! (There are ten we've agreed on, for her and for me.) Recently I heard that she and Natalie Portman will have a lesbian sex scene in an upcoming movie. I will certainly be ready for that!

I want to fuck Mila Kunis today.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday's Blonde

It's been a pretty lazy day today, so I've been doing a lot of web browsing. I found this hot young thing on a webporn site. Says she's 18, so I'm OK with it.

I want to fuck Cindy today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mall Chickie

While I was being dragged around the mall Fri and Sat, I made use of my cell to take a lot of candid pics of various mallpeople (girls). We bumped into this one several times, and I'm glad I got a shot of her. Freaking hot college girl, shopping with her friends.

I want to fuck this girl today.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Open Secret

I was dragged to the mall for Black Friday and today by my fiancée for some boring-as-hell shopping. There were several bright spots, however. Primarily, our 50-minute visit to Victoria's Secret. Have you seen the posters in that place, Adriana Lima and others? Unbelievable. I loved this 26-year old, and had to pretend I wasn't staring at her. But now I can.

I want to fuck Miranda Kerr today.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday's Asian

My cousin showed up at Thanksgiving yesterday with his new girlfriend, a smoking hot Korean girl. I wanted to fuck her the second I saw her, and I'm pretty sure that my fiancée was fully aware of it, though she didn't say anything. Anyway, I wasn't able to get a pic of her there, but later I did a quick web search and found a 23-year old Korean actress that could be her clone. So, that's good enough.

I want to fuck Kim Ok-Bin today.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Game, Set, Match

I don't know why this girl turns me on so much, but she really does. She's pretty huge, about 5'9", and her legs are built like tree trunks. But I'd really love to have her.

I want to fuck Serena Williams today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Virginia Virgin

I met this girl last year at my friend's college in Virginia (so no last name here). She's nineteen and a real tease. Three reasons I can't have her: I'm engaged, she's clearly not interested in me, and if even she was, she's "saving herself" for marriage. What a waste.

I want to fuck Sylvia X today.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

On the Ice

I just re-discovered figure skaters this past weekend, and remembered how hot this 25-year old one is. Who can't love her?

I want to fuck Sasha Cohen today.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday's Asian

I have no idea who this is. I just found this pic online, and I like it.

I want to fuck this hot asian girl today.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Luscious Rose

My interest in this 27-year old girl comes and goes. But the other day, I was watching some old Doctor Who episodes, and it came back.

I want to fuck Billie Piper today.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pole Climber

While web-browsing today, I was checking out pictures of this girl, a 20-year old pole vaulter from the UC-Berkeley Track Team.

I want to fuck Allison Stokke today.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dark and Luscious

I have no idea who this girl is, but my old roommate had this pic as his wallpaper for a while, and I stole it.

I want to fuck this girl today.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Book One: First Post

For my first post, I'm listing a particular 20-year old actress for whom I've lusted for a very long time. She's legal now, been so for two years. A really cute pic is here.

I want to fuck Hayden Panettiere today.